




International Conference of the Silk Roads in Ancient Maps


Conference Program




From 9 am to 6 pm, August 14th(Sunday)


Registration location: Qingyun Hotel at Fudan University



Reception:18:30—20:00 Dan Yuan Restaurant 3F


Local Scholars Registration


From 8:30 am to 9 am, August 15th(Monday)


Registration location: 101# The East Wing of Guanghua Tower at Fudan



Monday, August 15th

领导致辞                         9:00—9:30

Welcome addresses

主持人 陈玉刚 复旦大学文科科研处处长

Chair   Chen Yugang   The Director of the Liberal Arts Research Department of Fudan University

刘承功 复旦大学党委副书记

Liu Chenggong   The Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Fudan University

闫 坤 中国社会科学院历史研究所党委书记、研究员

Yan   Kun     Professor, Secretary of the Party Committee of Institute of History of CAAS

张晓虹 复旦大学历史地理研究中心主任、教授

Zhang Xiaohong  Professor, Director of Center for Historical Geographical Studies of Fudan


合影&茶歇                       9:30—10:00

Group Photo & Tea Break

主题报告                        10:00—12:00

Keynote speech

主持人 张晓虹

Chair            Zhang Xiaohong

Peter K.Bol    Exploring the Propositions in Maps: The Case of the Yujitu of 1136


Roger Kain    University of Chicago Press, History of Cartography Project (1987-2021)


汪前进 中国传统绘图数理方法——“计里画方”的具体应用初探

Wang Qianjin   Mathematical Method in China’s Traditional Mapping: Primary Investigation of the

Concrete Application of Jili Huafang(計里画方)

徐光台 重释利玛窦世界地图的在地化:以《坤舆万国全图》为例

Hsu KuangTai   Reappraisal of the Localization of Matteo Ricci’s World Maps: A Study of Kunyu

Wanguo Quantu

午餐                              12:00-13:30


专题报告一:海图研究 14:00—15:50

Session 1:Researching Maritime Maps

主持人 辛德勇

Chair           Xin Deyong

Joseph G. Garver     Robert Dudley’s Secrets of the Sea: Charting the Route to China


Sang-tae Yee        Silk Road and Korean Old Maps

李庆新 乾隆《广东至暹罗水陆道里图》与南海西部海上交通

Li Qingxin         The Map of Mileages of Land and Water Routes from Guangdong to Siam of

Qianlong dynasty and the Maritime Transport in the Western South China Sea


Lee YuChung    武吉斯海图仅有菲律宾南中国海及北婆罗洲

陈 刚 《武备志∙郑和航海图》南京至吴淞口段研究

Chen Gang       The voyage from Nanjing to Wusongkou estuary in Zheng He’s Nautical Chart in Wu

Bei Zhi

孙靖国 古地图中明清之际的北洋海域

Sun Jingguo      “North Ocean” in Antique Maps during the Period from Late Ming to Early Qing

茶歇                       15:50-16:00

Tea Break

专题报告二:地图整理及地图中的中国意识 16:00—17:50

Session 2:Map Collation& Chinese Consciousness in Maps

主持人 邹振环

Chair             Zou Zhenhuan

辛德勇 《契丹国志》附刊地图辨说

Xin Deyong         A Study of Maps in Qi Dan Guo Zhi

林天人 法国巴黎国家图书馆所藏中文历史舆图

Lin TiengJen       The Investigation Report of Chinese Historical Maps at the BNF

杨迅凌 澳门与丝路:“全球地图中的澳门”项目所收录相关古地图概要

Yang Xunling      Macao and the Silk Road: Introduce to the Maps related to the Global Mapping of

Macao Project Collection

吴松弟 旧海关出版物中的中国近代地图

Wu Songdi            The Modern Maps on China in Chinese Maritime Customs Historical Materias

龚缨晏 丝绸之路的兴衰与早期欧洲地图上的中国

Gong Yingyan      China in Early European Maps: The Influence of the Silk Road

成一农 从古地图看“中国”疆域认同的演变

Cheng Yinong      The Transformation of “China” as a Territorial Identity on Chinese Ancient Maps

晚餐                             18:00-19:30



Tuesday, August 16th

专题报告三:地图专题研究 8:00—9:50

Session 3:Topics in the Study of Maps

主持人 成一农

Chair           Cheng Yinong

松浦章 江户时代日本书籍中所见清代帆船前往日本的航路

MATSUURA Akira     Chinese Junk Sailing Routes to Japan in Edo Period Japanese Books in Qing


张晓虹 圣母圣心会所绘鄂尔多斯天主教传教区地图的初步研究

Zhang Xiaohong       A preliminary research on the Ordos mission maps drawn by CICM

陈宗仁 大英图书馆藏乾隆台湾舆图的绘制年代与作者

Chen TsungJen        

钟 翀 日本所绘中国近代城市地图之刍议——以近代开埠港市地图为中心

Zhong Chong      Considerations in the Chinese Modern City Maps Delineated by Japanese:

Centered with maps of the treaty port cities

席会东 明代《西域土地人物图》及其所见16世纪陆上丝绸之路

Xi Huidong           Map of Lands and Peoples in West Regions of Ming Dynasty and Land Silk Road in

16th Century

林 宏 卫匡国《中国新图志》的绘制方法——基于梵蒂冈藏卫匡国批注本《广舆记》“广东省图”的研究

Lin Hong         The Cartographic Method of Martini’s Novus Atlas Sinensis: Study on the “Map of

Guangdong Province” in Guang Yu Ji with Notes Appended by Martino Martini Held by the Vatican

Apostolic Library

茶歇                               9:50-10:00

Tea Break

专题报告四:地图专题研究 10:00—11:50

Session 4:Topics in the Study of Maps

主持人 李庆新

Chair           Li Qingxin

邹振环 蒋友仁的《坤舆全图》与《地球图说》

Zou Zhenhuan

郝晓光 “一带一路”在新编世界地图上的表述

Hao Xiaoguang         Expression of “One Belt and One Road” on New World Map

胡 恒 从《校邠庐抗议》的签注看晚清高级官员对地图的认识

Hu Heng           Government officials’ attitude to the maps in late Qing dynasty based on the

comments of Jiaobinlu Kangyi

杨雨蕾 韩国古舆图中的琉球

Yang Yulei             Ryukyu in Korean Old Maps in Chǒson Dynasty

王 均 民国时期测绘机构与地图管理的近代化

Wang Jun         

丁雁南 古地图上的西沙群岛:现代早期的地理知识传播

Ding Yannan        Charting the Paracels: Geographical Knowledge Transfer in Early Modern Times

午餐                                   12:00-13:30


专题报告五:地图数字化 14:00—15:50

Session 5:Map Digitization

主持人 钟 翀

Chair           Zhong Chong

Ruth Mostern       Placing Names and Tracing Paths: Toward a Digital Ecosystem of Silk Road Travel

廖泫铭 从地图数字典藏到空间人文研究平台建置谈民国历史GIS内容与技术发展

Liao HsuanMing       From a Digital Archive of Maps to a Geo-Humanities Research Platform:

Development of the MinGuo Historical GIS Content and Technology

王英华 古地图在中国水利史研究中的应用——以洪泽湖水利枢纽演变为例

Wang Yinghua    Application of Ancient Maps to the Research of Water History in China:A Case

Study of the Development of Hongze Lake Water Conservancy Project

韩昭庆 康熙《皇舆全览图》的数字化及意义

Han Zhaoqing     The Digitization of the Kangxi Era Huangyu quanlan tu  and Its Significance for the

Study of Environmental Change and Historical Geography

王一帆 同治初年江南地形测绘

Wang Yifan         The Study of Jiang Nan Region’s Topographic Surveying and Mapping in early

Tongzhi Period

牟振宇        19世纪中后期黄浦江实测地图与航道变迁(1842-1900)

Mou Zhenyu       Research on the changes of Huangpu river based on the measured maps in the late

19 century

茶歇                               15:50-16:00

Tea Break

会议总结与讨论                     16:00—17:50

Discussion and conclusion

召集人 汪前进、韩昭庆、孙靖国

Conveners        Wang Qianjin,Han Zhaoqing, Sun Jingguo

晚餐                               18:00-19:30



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