





– 中国城市史与世界史交叉研究的贡献与问题
– 不同类型的中国城市在世界史中的不同位置
– 现代性和帝国主义理论框架下的中国城市史研究
– 世界史视野下中国城市史研究的机遇和挑战

本次工作坊将以普通话和英语作为工作语言。有意参会者,请于2017年1月15日前惠赐论文摘要与履历表给刘家峰教授(jfliu@sdu.edu.cn)和 Daniel Knorr(dknorr@uchicago.edu)。1月底,组委会将根据论文摘要,发送录用与否的通知。被录用者请在5月5日之前提交全文。工作坊将为入选者提供来往交通费及食宿。


Call for Papers:

Chinese Cities in World History

Shandong University, School of History and Culture

Jinan, Shandong, PRC

May 20-21, 2017

We invite proposals from scholars at all stages for a workshop related to the theme of “Chinese Cities in World History” to be held at Shandong University in Jinan, May 20-21, 2017. This workshop will be an opportunity for Chinese and foreign scholars to discuss the relationship between the fields of urban and world history, which have both proven immensely influential in the study of Chinese history in recent decades. We especially invite proposals that address the following themes:

– The theoretical questions and interventions that have emerged at the intersection of Chinese cities and world history

– The roles of different types of Chinese cities in world history

– The utility of modernity and imperialism as frameworks for urban history in China

– Methodological opportunities and obstacles in the study of Chinese cities in world history

Please submit an abstract of 200-300 words and a CV to Prof. Liu Jiafeng (jiafengliu@126.com) and Daniel Knorr (dknorr@uchicago.edu) no later than January 7, 2017. We will notify accepted participants in late January and completed papers should be submitted by May 5, 2017. The working languages for the workshop will be Chinese (Mandarin) and English.


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