
卫思韩纪念文集Early Modern East Asia: War, Commerce, and Cultural Exchange

国际知名历史学者John E. Wills, Jr. (1936-2017,卫思韩),曾任教于南加州大学,师承“中国通”费正清(John King Fairbank)先生。他通中、日、荷、德、法、葡、西等多种语言,研究领域含括海洋史、海洋史、交流史、全球史等,尤以明清史、荷兰、葡萄牙殖民史著称。

Early Modern East AsiaWar, Commerce and Cultural Exchange


This book presents a great deal of new primary research on a wide range of aspects of early modern East Asia. Focusing primarily on maritime connections, the book explores the importance of international trade networks, the implications of technological dissemination, and the often unforeseen consequences of missionary efforts. It demonstrates the benefi ts of a global history approach, outlining the complex interactions between Western traders and Asian states and entrepreneurs. Overall, the book presents much interesting new material on this complicated and understudied period.

Table of Contents

Introduction: Jack Wills and His Work and Influence.
1. Qing Opium Dependency and Republican Opium Autonomy.
2. Rivers of Blood & Roads of Bones: Sichuan in the Ming-Qing Transition.
3. Dueling Wills: Dutch Administration and Formosan Power, 1624-1668.
4. Sultan Hasanuddin’s Rationale for Re-expansion: Avenging Tiworo’s Defeat in the Seascape of the Spice Wars.
5. Maritime China in Global Military History: Some Reflections on the Chase Model.
6. The Military Implication of Zhu Wan’s Coastal Campaign in Southeastern China: Focusing on the Matchlock Gun (1548-1566).
7.The Seventeenth-Century Guangdong Pirates and Their Transnational Impact.
8. A Ship Full of Chinese Passengers: Princess Amelia’s Voyage from London to China in 1816-1817.
9. Hierarchy and Anarchy in Early Modern East Asia: The Tribute System as an International System.
10. Why Is China So Big? And Other Big Questions: An interview with John E.Wills, Jr., Amsterdam, 2005.
11. 2016 Postscript to the Itinerario Interview.
12. List of Publications by Jack Wills

About the Editors

Kenneth M. Swope is a Professor in the Department of History at Southern Mississippi University, Hattiesburg, USA.
Tonio Andrade is a Professor in the Department of History at Emory University, Atlanta, USA.

About the Series

Asian States and Empires
The importance of Asia will continue to grow in the twenty-first century, but remarkably little is available in English on the history of the polities that constitute this critical area.  Most current work on Asia is hindered by the extremely limited state of knowledge of the Asian past in general, and the history of Asian states and empires in particular.  Asian States and Empires is a book series that will provide detailed accounts of the history of states and empires across Asia from earliest times until the present.  It aims to explain and describe the formation, maintenance and collapse of Asian states and empires, and the means by which this was accomplished, making available the history of more than half the world’s population at a level of detail comparable to the history of Western polities.  In so doing, it will demonstrate that Asian peoples and civilizations had their own histories apart from the West, and provide the basis for understanding contemporary Asia in terms of its actual histories, rather than broad generalizations informed by Western categories of knowledge.



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