

A Guide to the Catalogues of pre-1900 Chinese and Japanese Books in the United Kingdom

英国收藏的汉文古籍主要集中在大英图书馆、剑桥大学(包括英国圣书公会藏书)、牛津大学、伦敦大学亚非学院、维尔康医史研究所、利兹大学、曼彻斯特大学等地。早期汉籍书目往往兼收日本、朝鲜文献,也包括少量满文、蒙文作品。本文旨在介绍英国存藏汉籍的编目情况,方便按目求书。首先按馆藏次序,逐一介绍。其次列举专题目录,包括英藏敦煌文献、古地图、清代广东省档案、方志、明清小说、满文古籍。附录《英国所藏汉籍相关目录》,著录各类书目完整版本信息。剑桥大学藏有书目印本者,标注藏地及索书号码。部分书目可在HathiTrust Digital Library、Bodleian Library网站,以及Google Books浏览或下载全文书影,亦加注明。

一、 馆藏目录:

大英图书馆(British Library),即英国国家图书馆,继承了大英博物馆、印度事务部图书馆两家旧藏。Frances Wood(吴芳思)《大英博物馆的中国书》(2006)一文,介绍了19世纪之前的收藏情况。早期书目可参考Auguste Prévost编《大英博物馆藏中文抄本书目》(1854,稿本),同时著录刻本抄本,并未区分。另有James Summers编《印度事务部图书馆藏中、日、满文图书解题目录》(1872)。目前较实用者为Robert K. Douglas编《大英博物馆附属图书馆藏中文刻本抄本绘本目录》(1877)及《补编》(1903)*。藏品较特别者,正编著录John Robert Morrison(马儒翰)藏书、第一次鸦片战争英军缴获定海镇海等地军政文书;补编包括Charles George Gordon(戈登)在华所得资料。Lionel Giles(翟林奈)编有《增修中国书目》(1931),著录1903至1930年间大英博物馆入藏中文书约三千部,编为分类索引一册、书名索引二册(书名、作者,加注汉字),仅有打字稿,馆内使用。1930年之后入藏古籍,仅有馆内卡片著录。迄今还没有一部能够全面、系统的揭示大英图书馆中国古籍收藏现状的总目录。相比之下,日本古籍编目相当完备。较珍贵者大宗源于Ernest Mason Satow(萨道义)、Heinrich von Siebold旧藏。早期目录可参考Robert K. Douglas编《大英博物馆附属图书馆藏日本刻本写本书目》(1898)及《补编》(1904)。后有川瀬一馬、岡崎久司合编《大英图书馆所藏和汉书总目录》(1996),系日本古籍总目。Burslam Gardner编《大英图书馆藏日本古版本目录》(1993),系1700年前刊印之日本古籍解题目录。朝鲜古籍目录,参见藤本幸夫与Elizabeth McKillop合编之《大英图书馆所藏朝鲜本》(《朝鲜学报》第216期,2010)。朝鲜本多为19世纪后期Satow自日本所购,部分原系壬辰战争日军劫掠之物。此外Lionel Giles编有《中国刻本抄本书画解题目录:Luzac公司售出特藏》(1908),实为Edmund Buckhouse(巴恪思)藏书,后分售大英博物馆、剑桥大学图书馆、牛津大学鲍德林图书馆等处。

*1877年版书目内未加藏书编号,欲按目提阅某书,需查阅大英图书馆亚非研究阅览室(Asian & African Studies Reading Room)所藏复本(OIK 011.295),内有手书标注书号。日本合刊影印1877年正编、1903年补编,题作《大英博物館所蔵漢籍目録》(1987)。国内影印本仅1877年正编,题作《1877年版大英博物馆馆藏中文刻本、写本、绘本目录》(2010),增加了书名、作者的音序及笔画索引。


  剑桥大学图书馆(Cambridge University Library),汉籍主要收藏在东亚阅览室(East Asian Reading Room, Aoi Pavilion)书库。中国古籍核心藏品为威妥玛文库(Wade collection)。Herbert A. Giles(翟理斯)编有《剑桥大学图书馆威妥玛文库汉文、满文书目录》(1898),此后十余年入藏者另辑为《补编》(1915)。Charles Aylmer(艾超世)制作了在线目录,可浏览威妥玛文库目录(1886年威妥玛捐赠之汉、满、西文图籍)、东亚阅览室闭架汉籍目录(1886年之后入藏者),以及馆藏甲骨目录。森瀬壽三撰有《剑桥大学图书馆威妥玛文库明刊本抄本等初探》(2004),简要著录了59部善本的版式、行款、序跋等书志信息。馆藏日本古籍主要来自Aston,Satow,von Siebold旧藏,参见林望(Hayashi Nozomu)编《剑桥大学所藏和汉古书总和目录》(1991,2012重印)。该馆尚藏有不少缩微胶卷,包括原国立北平图书馆甲库善本书、日本内阁文库明代稀书等系列。Joseph P. McDermott撰《剑桥大学的汉籍收藏》(2015)一文,介绍了藏品的来源与特色。东亚阅览室之外,大学图书馆善本部、抄本部、Picken文库;剑桥大学诸多学院,李约瑟研究所亦有汉籍收藏,笔者拟另文介绍。


  英国圣书公会(British and Foreign Bible Society)藏书今寄存剑桥大学图书馆,收藏19世纪以来汉译圣经甚备,可参考Darlow与Moule合编《英国圣书公会图书馆所藏圣经印本目录》第二卷(1911),略加解题考证。另有Spillett(1975)编《中国多语种圣经译本目录》,收录对象扩大,以英国圣书公会藏书为主,兼及大英图书馆等地,包括汉语文言、各类白话方言,以及西南、台湾地区少数民族语言译本,具体描述较前书简略。圣书公会藏书可使用剑桥大学图书馆在线书目(Newton catalogue)检索书号。如BSS.609.E10,为BSS(英国圣书公会)、中文(代码609)、1810年代(代码E10)出版物,BSS.600.E70为日文(代码600)1870年代(E70)出版物。

牛津大学鲍德林图书馆(Bodleian Library)。早期有Joseph Edkins(艾约瑟)编《鲍德林图书馆藏中文书目》(1876),南条文雄(Nanjio Bunyiu)编《鲍德林图书馆近年所获日本、中国图书目录》(1881)。今日之汉籍主体则为Edmund Backhouse(巴恪思)与Alexander Wylie(伟烈亚力)旧藏。向达先生早年所撰《记牛津所藏的中文书》(1936)一文仍然值得参考。David Helliwell(何大伟)编有《巴恪思文库目录》(1983)、《伟烈亚力藏书目》(1985);近年不断完善馆藏中国古籍总目,名为Serica(2012),按四库分类,可在线浏览,部分藏品附有书影,包括著名的The Selden Map of China(东西洋航海图)。此外,Helliwell编有网页《欧洲现存17世纪所获中文图书便览》(Chinese Books in Europe in the Seventeenth-century),大半为鲍德林图书馆藏品。日韩古籍概况,可参考Izumi Tytler 撰《鲍德林图书馆所藏日本文献》(1990)、Chung Minh编《韩国珍品:牛津大学鲍德林图书馆、博物馆所藏善本、文书、文物图录》(2011)。Izumi Tytler正在编纂馆藏日本古籍目录。
伦敦大学亚非学院(School of Oriental and African Studies),Andrew C. West(魏安)编有《马礼逊藏书书目》(1998),以十八十九世纪中文文献为主。日本古籍目录,参见D. G. Chibbett、B. F. Hickman、松平進(Matsudaira Susumu)合编《亚非学院图书馆藏1868年前日本典籍写本刻本解题目录》(1975),安村よし子(Yasumura Yoshiko)编《亚非学院图书馆藏日本写本目录附日本写本小史》(1979)。另有林望(Hayashi Nozomu)编《伦敦大学亚非学院所藏日本古典籍善本解题并目录》(1986),第一部分为善本解题,第二部分为古籍总目,著录种类超过1975年版《解题目录》。

维尔康医史研究所(Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine)。位于伦敦,靠近国王十字火车站。Hartmut Walravens编有《维尔康医史研究所图书馆藏中国典籍目录》(1994),包括Benjamin Hobson(合信,1816-1873)旧藏。Peter Francis Kornicki编有《维尔康医史研究所藏日本医学及其他典籍目录》(1997)。

利兹大学图书馆(The Brotherton Library),继承了原属皇家亚洲学会收藏的中国古籍。早期目录有Samuel Kidd编《皇家亚洲学会中国文库目录》(1838)。后有Henry F. Holt编《皇家亚洲学会藏中文抄本目录》(1890),实际抄本与刻本同时著录,并未区分。

曼彻斯特大学图书馆(The John Rylands Library),拥有原属James Lindsay(26th Earl of Crawford)之林赛文库(Bibliotheca Lindesiana),包括不少中日古籍。部分来自 Isaac Titsingh, Jean-Pierre Abel-Rémusat,Julius von Klaproth,Jean-Pierre Guillaume Pauthier,Joseph Edkins,Alexander Wylie等人旧藏。可参考John Philip Edmond编《林赛文库中国典籍目录》(1895),Peter Francis Kornick编《林赛文库日本典籍目录》(1993)。

曼彻斯特中央图书馆(Manchester Central Library),见藏英国海军军医Thomas Bellot(1806-1857)1840年代在华所得汉籍刊本五十八种及抄本若干(Bloomfield, 1997, p. 451),尚无完整目录,简略介绍参见William E. A. Axon《曼彻斯特与索尔福德公共图书馆一览》(1877, pp. 174-176)。

格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)拥有 William Hunter 文库,包括一批汉籍,约八十种,主要来自18世纪初德裔汉学家T. S. Bayer(1694–1738)旧藏。简目参见Ferguson《格拉斯哥大学亨特博物馆附属图书馆印本图书目录》(1930, p. 396)。近年Nick Pearce《威廉•亨特的汉籍收藏》(2015)一文讨论了《坤舆全图》、《律吕正义》、《视学》等数种Bayer旧藏中的善本。David Weston正在编纂Hunter文库汉文、满文典籍解题目录,近将发表。

【David Weston编Bayer藏品解题目录(pp. 261)已在线发表,下载地址:eprints.gla.ac.uk/163266/ 2018年6月15日补记】


敦煌文献。汉文部分。Lionel Giles(翟林奈)编《大英博物馆藏敦煌汉文写本注记目录》(1957),著录至斯6980号。Grinstead编制了相应《索引》(1963)。荣新江编著《英国图书馆藏敦煌汉文非佛教文献残卷目录(S.6981-13624)》(1994),方广锠编著《英国图书馆藏敦煌遗书目录 斯6981号—斯8400号》(2000)著录佛教文献,二书可相互配合。中国社会科学院历史研究所与英国国家图书馆(大英图书馆)合作编辑出版《英藏敦煌文献》(1990-2009)影印本,第十五卷为《英藏汉文佛经以外敦煌文献目录索引》(2009)。


清代广东省档案。第二次鸦片战争期间英军缴获之两广总督衙门公私文件,现藏英国国家档案馆(The National Archive),全宗号FO931。David Pong(庞百腾)编有《清代广东省档案指南》(1975)。近年该专藏已有两种影印本:华林甫《英国国家档案馆庋藏近代中文舆图》(2009),刘志伟、陈玉环主编《叶名琛档案:清代两广总督衙门残牍》(2012)。英国国家档案馆所藏中国近现代史相关文献甚多,已有不少中英文资料整理或影印出版。例如佐佐木正哉编《鴉片戰爭の研究(資料篇)》(東京大學出版會,1964)收录中英战争期间往来双方文书;《郭嵩焘全集》(岳麓书社,2012)第十三册收入了郭嵩焘担任驻英公使期间与英国外交大臣照会函件三十四通,等等。英国国家档案馆网站在线目录,系该档案馆与英国众多档案馆、图书馆之联合数据库,检索便利。

方志。可参考Andrew Morton编《英国各图书馆所藏中国地方志总目录》(1979)。


满文古籍。可参考W. Simon与Howard G. H. Nelson合编《伦敦地区满文典籍联合书目》(1977)。

附记:2015年10月至2016年4月,笔者有幸得到“发现中国——古代军事工程科技奖学金”资助,至英国剑桥李约瑟研究所(Needham Research Institute)访学半载。课题研究之外,借机对英国存藏汉文古籍编目情况,稍加考察。兹整理笔记,汇为一编,希望能为读者访书英伦提供方便。特别感谢剑桥大学图书馆与李约瑟研究所。承蒙Charles Aylmer、Joseph McDermott、小山騰(Koyama Noboru)、Onesimus Ngundu、David Helliwell、Izumi Tytler、David Weston、Emma Goodliffe、John Moffett诸位先进赐教。本文阙误之处,还望读者不吝指正,寄示zhengcheng@ihns.ac.cn。郑诚谨识。2016年5月1日。

Theodore Besterman, J. D. Pearson. A world bibliography of oriental bibliographies. Oxford: Blackwell, 1975.
B. C. Bloomfield. ed. A directory of rare book and special collections in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. London: Library Association Publishing in association with the Rare Books Group of The Library Association, 1997.
F. C. Francis. The Catalogues of the British Museum 3. Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts, Journal of Documentation, Volume 7 Number 1, March 1951.
J. D. Pearson. ed. Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North America. A survey. Zug: Inter Documentation Company, 1971.
The Catalogues of pre-1900 Chinese and Japanese Books in the United Kingdom

大英图书馆 British Library (BL)
剑桥大学图书馆 Cambridge University Library (CUL)
牛津大学鲍德林图书馆 Bodleian Library Oxford University (BLO)
伦敦大学亚非学院 School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
维尔康医史研究所 Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (Wellcome)
利兹大学图书馆 Brotherton Library, Leeds University Library
曼彻斯特大学图书馆 John Rylands Library, University of Manchester Library
曼彻斯特中央图书馆 Manchester Central Library
格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow

【aoi】Aoi Pavilion, Cambridge University Library
【Christ’s】Christ’s College
【fames】Faculty of Asian & Middle Eastern Studies
【manuscripts room】Cambridge University Library
【map room】Cambridge University Library
【nri】Needham R. I.(Needham Research Institute)
【rare books room】Cambridge University Library
【reading room】Cambridge University Library
【trinity】Trinity College
【west room】Cambridge University Library
【BL】British Library
【Google Books】books.google.com



大英图书馆 British Library (BL)
Douglas(1877)【aoi】【nri】【trinity】【pdf in Bodleian】【BL with selfmark】reprint(1987)【BL】reprint(2010)【nri】
L Giles翟林奈(1908)【aoi】
L Giles翟林奈(1931)【BL】
Chinese Accessions. Title Index. 1 vol. 1931(typewritten catalogue)
Chinese Accessions. Subject Index. 2 vols. 1931(typewritten catalogue)
British Museum(1887)【BL】【HathiTrust】
Summers(1872)解题书目 原library of the India Office藏书【aoi】【HathiTrust】
Douglas(1898)【west room】【fames】【HathiTrust】
Douglas(1904)【west room】【fames】【HathiTrust】
Kawase川瀬一馬 & Okazaki岡崎久司(1996)总目录【aoi】
Fujimoto 藤本幸夫 & McKillop(2010)【journal article】

剑桥大学图书馆 Cambridge University Library (CUL)
H Giles翟理斯(1898)Wade collection【aoi】【nri】【HathiTrust】
H Giles翟理斯(1915)Wade collection【aoi】【HathiTrust】
Aylmer艾超世 The Chinese Collections在线总目录
Hayashi林望 & Kornicki(1991)总目录【aoi】【nri】【fames】
森瀬壽三(2004)明刻明抄本【Journal article】
Darlow & Moule(1911)【rare books room】【Anderson Room】
Spillett(1975)【aoi】【rare books room】【Anderson Room】

牛津大学鲍德林图书馆 Bodleian Library Oxford University (BLO)
向达(1936)【Journal article】
Helliwell(1983)Backhouse collection【aoi】【nri】【fames】
Helliwell(1985)Alexander Wylie’s books【aoi】【nri】
Nanjio南条文雄(1881)Japanese and Chinese books【rare books room】【trinity】
Chung(2011)【reading room】【fames】

伦敦大学亚非学院 School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
West魏安(1998)Morrison Collection马礼逊文库【aoi】
Chibbett et al(1975)【West Room】 Yasumura安村よし子(1979)抄本书目【aoi n/a】【BL】

维尔康医史研究所 Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (Wellcome)

利兹大学图书馆 The Brotherton Library, Leeds University Library
原皇家亚洲学会(Royal Asiatic Society RAS)藏书
Kidd(1838)【Christ’s】【Google Books】【pdf】
Holt(1890)汉籍抄本书目【aoi】【Journal Article pdf】

曼彻斯特大学图书馆 The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester Library
原Crawford collection, Bibliotheca Lindesiana
Edmond(1895)【aoi】【Google Books】【pdf】
Kornicki(1993)Journal article【pdf】

曼彻斯特中央图书馆 Manchester Central Library

格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow


Giles(1957)解题目录【aoi】【nri】【manuscripts room】

李孝聪(1996)英国部分包括BL, BLO, CUL, RGS, RAS藏品【aoi】【nri】【map room】

Pong(1975)目录【aoi】【manuscripts room】【fames】
英国国家档案馆(The National Archive)



Simon & Nelson(1977)伦敦地区满文书【nri】【aoi】


【大英图书馆 British Library (BL)】

Catalogue of Chinese printed books, manuscripts and drawings in the Library of the British Museum / by Robert Kennaway Douglas.
London : Longmans & Co., 1877.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.183
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – RBR
Trinity College Library – VII.2.2-3
British Library: Asian & African Studies Reading Room OIK 011.295 【add selfmark 加注書號】

Supplementary catalogue of Chinese books and manuscripts in the British Museum / by Robert Kennaway Douglas.
London : Longmans, 1903.
Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – RBR
Trinity College Library – VII.2.2-3
British Library: Asian & African Studies Reading Room OIK 011.295

1877年版大英博馆馆藏中文刻本、写本、绘本目录 / 道格拉斯原编 ; 域外汉籍珍本文库编纂委员会编.
British Museum. Dept. or Oriental Manuscripts and Printed Books.
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A910 BM

大英博物館所蔵漢籍目録 / ロバート・K・ダグラス編.
Daiei hakubutsukan shozō kanseki mokuroku.
[Catalogue of Chinese printed books, manuscripts and drawings in the library of the British Museum compiled by Robert Kennaway Dougla]
Tōkyō : Kagaku Shoin : Kasumigaseki Shuppan (hatsubai), 1987
東京: 科学書院: 霞ケ関出版, 1987.
Notes: 原著本篇1877年,補遺篇1903年刊の複製;解題 坂出祥伸著。
British Library:
Asia, Pacific & Africa JPN.1986.a.588/1
Asia, Pacific & Africa JPN.1986.a.588/2

A Descriptive Catalogue of a Unique Collection of Chinese Printed Books, Mss., Scrolls and Paintings: Offered for Sale by Luzac & Co., Oriental Booksellers and Publishers
Lionel Giles, Luzac & Company, 1908 34 pages【This collection was shared by BL, BLO and CUL.】
【Aoi, Aylmer’s personal copy】

Lionel Giles翟林奈(1931)【BL】
Chinese Accessions. Subject Index. 1 vol. 1931(typewritten catalogue)
Chinese Accessions. Title Index. 2 vols. 1931(typewritten catalogue)

A Guide to the Chinese and Japanese Illustrated Books exhibited in the King’s Library.
British Museum. Department of Printed Books.
London, 1887. order of the Trustees, 1887 – 16页 【pdf in HathiTrust】

Auguste Prévost, Catalogue of Chinese manuscripts in the British Museum (1854) (shelfmark Or.11623).【MS in British Library】

Descriptive catalogue of the Chinese, Japanese, and Manchu books in the library of the India Office【This collection is in the BL now.】
by James Summers
London, Printed by order of the Secretary of state for India in council, 1872.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.71 【复印件】

Catalogue of Japanese Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Library of the British Museum, by Sir Robert Kennaway Douglas
British Museum. Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.
London : By order of the Trustees, 1898.
Holding library:
UL: Order in West Room (Not borrowable) – 886.a.5
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – J 026.1.1

Catalogue of Japanese printed books and manuscripts in the British Museum acquired during the years 1899-1903 / by Robert Kennaway Douglas.
London : British Museum, 1904.
Holding library:
UL: Order in West Room (Not borrowable) – 886.a.6
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – J 026.1.2

Daiei Toshokan shozō Wa-Kansho sōmokuroku = Catalogue of early Japanese books in The British Library / Kawase Kazuma, Okazaki Hisaji kyōhen.
大英圖書館所藏和漢書總目錄 = Catalogue of early Japanese books in The British Library / 川瀬一馬, 岡崎久司共編.
Tōkyō : Kōdansha, in co-operation with the British Library, 1996.
東京 : 講談社, in co-operation with the British Library, 1996.
【1984年現在までに現「大英図書館東洋ならびに印度政庁コレクション, 日本語資料コレクション」(Japanese language collections, Oriental and India Office Collections in the British Library)】
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FD.20.20

Descriptive catalogue of Japanese books in the British Library printed before 1700, by Kenneth Burslam Gardner (London and Tenri, 1993).
Descriptive catalogue of Japanese books in the British Library printed before 1700 / Kenneth B. Gardner = Daiei Toshokan zō Nihon kohanbon mokuroku / Kenesu B. Gādonā hen.
大英圖書館藏日本古版本目錄 / ケネス B. ガード ナ- 編.
London : British Library ;Tenri-shi, Japan : Tenri Central Library, 1993.
Holding library:
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – J 026.5
Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FD.20.19

藤本幸夫 & Elizabeth McKillop,大英圖書館所藏朝鮮本に就いて,朝鮮學報,216(2010), 1-63。【Fujimoto Yukio and Elizabeth McKillop, “Daiei toshokan shozo chosenbon ni tsuite,” Chosen gakuho 216 (2010): 1-63.】

Frances Wood, “Chinese Books in the British Museum,” in Ming Wilson and Stacey Pierson. ed. The art of the book in China: [colloquy] held June 13th-15th, 2005. edited by. London : University of London, Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, School of Oriental and African Studies, 2006. 219-230.
Holding library: Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – C532.010076 PDF

【剑桥大学图书馆 Cambridge University Library (CUL)】

A catalogue of the Wade collection of Chinese and Manchu books in the library of the University of Cambridge / by Herbert A. Giles.
Cambridge : University Press, 1898.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor Info Icon FB.18.56
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A910 G5

Supplementary catalogue of the Wade Collection of Chinese and Manchu books in the library of the University of Cambridge / by Herbert A. Giles.
Cambridge : University Press, 1915.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor Info Icon FB.18.57

Charles Aylmer
The Chinese Collections
The Wade Collection
Withdrawn Chinese Books
Finding list for the Hopkins Collection of Chinese Oracle Bones
Chinese Microforms

森瀬壽三,ケンブリッジ大学図書館ウェードコレクション明刊本抄本等初探,關西大學文學論集 53(3), 121-144, 2004-01
Morise Toshizo, Some notes on Wade Collection, Kansai daigaku bungaku ronshū, 53(3), 121-144, 2004-01
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Basement – FA.501:13.1-35

Joseph P. McDermott, ケンブリッジの漢籍コレクションについて(Chinese Collection in Cambridge),收入永冨青地編訳,中国書籍史のパースペクティブ——出版・流通への新しいアプローチ,勉誠出版,2015,305-321。

Early Japanese books in Cambridge University Library : a catalogue of the Aston, Satow and Von Siebold collections / Nozomu Hayashi【林望】 & Peter Kornicki = Kenburijji Daigaku shozō wakan kosho sōgō mokuroku : ケンブリツジ大学所藏和漢古書総和目錄 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1991
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor Info Icon FD.22.28
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies Info Icon J 029.8
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science IA920 KOR


Historical catalogue of the printed editions of Holy Scripture in the library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. v. 2. Polyglots and languages other than English
Comp. by T. H. Darlow and H. F. Moule
British and Foreign Bible Society. Library.
London : The Bible House, 1903-11.
Holding library:
UL: Order in Bible Society, Anderson Room (Not borrowable) – BSH.404.42
UL: Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) – B150.18.1
【本目著录之书今在Anderson Room】

A catalogue of Scriptures in the languages of China and the Republic of China / compiled by Hubert W. Spillett ; edited and indexed by the Librarian of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
Spillett, Hubert W.
London : British and Foreign Bible Society, 1975.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.701.29
Order in Bible Society, Anderson Room (Not borrowable) – BSH.404.26, 26a
Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) – B150.18.15

英国圣书公会藏中文圣经,Search Classmark, e.g. BSS.609

【牛津大学鲍德林图书馆 Bodleian Library Oxford University (BLO)】

A catalogue of Chinese works in the Bodleian Library / by Joseph Edkins.
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1876.
Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – RBR
Trinity College Library – VII.2.39[1]
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.72 [Oxford, 1964]【复印件】

A catalogue of Japanese and Chinese books and manuscripts lately added to the Bodleian Library / prepared by Bunyiu Nanjio. Bodleian Library.
Oxford : At the Clarendon Press, 1881.
Holding library:
UL: Order in Rare Books Room (Not borrowable) – 8880.b.204
Trinity College Library – VII.2.39[2]


The Backhouse collection / by David Helliwell.
Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1983.
Series:A catalogue of the old Chinese books in the Bodleian Library ; 1 Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A910 H4.1
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.140
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – F II 04200.1

Alexander Wylie’s books / by David Helliwell.
Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1985.
Series:A catalogue of the old Chinese books in the Bodleian Library ; 2 Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A910 H4.2
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.141

David Helliwell(2012)http://serica.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/
“a subset of the Bodleian’s allegro catalogue of Chinese books, which has been designed to show the extent and nature of our pre-modern holdings, and to give access to those parts of the collection that have been digitised.”

David Helliwell(?)http://www.bodley.ox.ac.uk/users/djh/17thcent/17theu.htm

Izumi K. Tytler, ‘The Japanese collections in the Bodleian Library’. in Japanese studies : papers presented at a colloquium at the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 14-16 September 1988. edited by Yu-Ying Brown. London : British Library, 1990. pp. 113-122.
Holding library:
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – J 041.1
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – C927.4 YYB

Korean treasures : rare books, manuscripts and artefacts in the Bodleian Libraries and museums of Oxford University / Minh Chung.
Oxford : Bodleian Library, 2011.
Holding library:
UL: Order in Reading Room – C201.b.2000
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – K 630.17

【伦敦大学亚非学院 School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)】

Catalogue of the Morrison Collection of Chinese Books. [馬禮遜藏書書目]
West, Andrew C. [魏安]
London : School of Oriental and African Studies, 1998.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.170

A descriptive catalogue of the pre-1868 Japanese books, manuscripts, and prints in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies / by D. G. Chibbett, B. F. Hickman, S. Matsudaira.
University of London. School of Oriental and African Studies. Library.
London ;New York : Oxford University Press, 1975.
Holding library:
UL: Order in West Room (Not borrowable) – 897.c.48.4

Catalogue of Japanese manuscripts in the Library of the School of Oriental and African Studies : together with a short history of manuscripts in Japan / by Yoshiko Yasumura.
[London] : the Library, 1979.
Holding library:
UL: Order in East Asian Reading Room (Not borrowable) – FJ.999.260【Aoi Pavilion, Cambridge University Library】

林望 Hayashi Nozomu 1986 ロンドン大学東洋アフリカ校所蔵日本古典籍善本解題並に目録,東横学園女子短期大学「東横国文学」第十八号抽印,昭和六十一年三月十日刊
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion

【维尔康医史研究所 Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine (Wellcome)】

Catalogue of Chinese books and manuscripts in the library of the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine / Hartmut Walravens ; introduction by Nigel Allan. 【收入合信Benjamin Hobson(1816-1873)旧藏】
London : Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, 1994.
Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A812.42 WEL
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.163
Whipple Library: Reference Collection – REF (MED 101)

Japanese medical and other books at the Wellcome institute / P.F. Kornicki.
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1997.
Holding library:
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – REF 5.49

【利兹大学图书馆 The Brotherton Library, Leeds University Library】【原皇家亚洲学会藏书】

Catalogue of the Chinese library of the Royal Asiatic Society / by the Rev. S. Kidd.
London : Printed by J.W. Parker, 1838.
Holding library:
Christ’s College: Old Library – Ask Library Staff – U.9.8

A catalogue of the Chinese manuscripts in the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society / [compiled by Henry F. Holt].
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 01/1890, Volume 22, Issue 1, pp. 1 – 117
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.19

【曼彻斯特大学图书馆 The John Rylands Library, The University of Manchester Library】【原Crawford collection, Bibliotheca Lindesiana】

Bibliotheca Lindesiana. Catalogue of Chinese books and manuscripts
Crawford, James Ludovic Lindsay, Earl of, 1847-1913.
Edmond, John Philip, 1850-1906.
[Aberdeen] Priv. print. [Aberdeen university press] 1895.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.62

P. F. Kornicki, ‘The Japanese Collection in the Bibliotheca Lindesiana’, Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library of Manchester, vol. 75, no. 2 (1993), pp. 209-300.

【曼彻斯特中央图书馆 Manchester Central Library】

Handbook of the Public Libraries of Manchester and Salford
William E. A. Axon
Manchester : A. Heywood & Son, 1877.
British Library
Shelfmark(s): General Reference Collection 11903.c.5.

【格拉斯哥大学 University of Glasgow】

The printed books in the Library of the Hunterian Museum in the University of Glasgow / a catalogue prepared by Mungo Ferguson … with a topographical index by David Baird Smith.
Hunterian Museum (University of Glasgow). Library.
Glasgow : Jackson, Wylie, 1930.
Holding library:
UL: Order in Reading Room – 9880.a.1

Nick Pearce, ‘At last in Dr Hunter’s library’: William Hunter’s Chinese collections. in Pearce, N., Hancock, E. G. and Campbell, M. (eds.) William Hunter’s World. The Art and Science of Eighteenth-Century Collecting. Farnham: Ashgate Publishing, 2015. pp. 263-281.

David Weston, The Bayer Collection: A preliminary catalogue of the manuscripts and books of Professor Theophilus Siegfried Bayer, acquired and augmented by the Reverend Dr Heinrich Walther Gerdes, now preserved in the Hunterian Library of the University of Glasgow, 2018. pp. 261.



Descriptive catalogue of the Chinese manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum, by Lionel Giles.
British Museum. Dept. of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.
London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1957.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.32
UL: Manuscripts Room (Not borrowable) – A232.22
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A912.1005 G5

Title index to The descriptive catalogue of Chinese manuscripts from Tunhuang in the British Museum / by E.D. Grinstead.
British Museum. Department of Oriental Printed Books and Manuscripts.
London : Trustees of the British Museum, 1963.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.18.70
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A 912.1005 G7


方广锠编著,《英国图书馆藏敦煌遗书目录 斯6981号—斯8400号》,北京:宗教文化出版社,2000。

英藏敦煌文献 第15卷 英藏汉文佛经以外敦煌文献目录索引


欧洲收藏部分中文古地图叙录 A descriptive catalogue of pre-1900 Chinese maps seen in Europe【英国部分包括 BL BLO CUL RGS RAS】
Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A261.01 LXC
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.201.84
UL: Order in Map Room (Not borrowable) – S696.d.99.46

Catalogue of pre-modern Japanese maps held in the British library = Daiei Toshokan shozō Nihon kochizu sogō mokuroku / compiled by Peter Francis Kornicki.
Kornicki, Peter F. (Peter Francis)
London : British Library, 2011.
Holding library:
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – J 029.14


A critical guide to the Kwangtung provincial archives, deposited at the Public Record Office of London / by David Pong.
Cambridge, Mass. : East Asian Research Center, Harvard University : distributed by Harvard University Press, 1975.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.113.222
UL: Manuscripts Room (Not borrowable) – A640.96
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – F II 00246




Union list of Chinese local histories in British libraries / compiled by Andrew Morton.
Oxford : China Library Group, 1979.
Holding library:
Asian & Middle Eastern Studies – F II 00245.2
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – AL260.1 MOR
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.201.40


Chinese popular fiction in two London libraries.
Liu, Cunren.
Hong Kong, Lung Men Bookstore, 1967.
Holding library:
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Ground Floor – FB.501.29
[Rare editions (1571-1908) of Chinese popular fiction preserved in the British Museum and the Library of the Royal Asiatic Society. 134 titles.]


Manchu books in London : a union catalogue / by W. Simon and Howard G. H. Nelson.
Simon, Walter, 1893-1981.
London : British Museum Publications, c1977.
Holding library:
Needham R. I.: East Asian History of Science – A910 S50
UL: Aoi Pavilion, Basement – FE.302.2



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