
History: Asia: U.S. Diplomatic Records 美国外交档案

U.S. Diplomatic Records

The following lists US State Department records from the National Archives holdings in Washington, DC currently held in the Main and Bancroft Libraries on microfilm (and in a few rare cases, in print), available online, or available on loan from the Center for Research Libraries (CRL). Where available, the call number and location of guides have been listed together with the call number for the microfilm or a link to an online guide is available. This list is not comprehensive; if you do not see the item you need you should check OskiCat or the CRL catalog.

The State Department had different record-keeping systems between 1789-19061906-19101910-19631963-1973, and 1973-1979. In its organization of the files it received, the National Archives mantained the original divisions of years: 1789-1906, 1906-10, 1910-29, 1930-39, 1940-44, 1945-49, 1950-54, 1955-59, 1960-63, 1963-73, 1973-79. The microfilm publications of the records reflect these periodic divisions and the original arrangement of the records. Some of the records from 1973-1979 are accessible online at the NARA site. Central file records dating 1980 and later remain in the custody of the Department of State.

See U.S. Foreign Relations and the Department of State for more information about the records.


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of AsiaMICROFILM 78664MICROFILM 78664 GUIDE


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of India and Burma, 1910-1929227MICROFILM 19582CD3022 .A2x no.M329 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between India and Burma and Other States, 1910-29 (M344)1MICROFILM 4302 J
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the U.S. and India and Burma, 1910-29 (M343)1MICROFILM 4309 J


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs, CambodiaMICROFILM 79463MICROFILM 79463 GUIDE


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Canton, China, 1790-190620MICROFILM 4092.JMICROFILM 4092.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Ministers to China, 1843-1906131Online and MICROFILM 4055.JMICROFILM 4055.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Amoy, China, 1844-190615MICROFILM 4094.JMICROFILM 4094.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Hong Kong, 1844-190621MICROFILM 4096.JMICROFILM 4096.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Shanghai, 1847-190653MICROFILM 4098.JMICROFILM 4098.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Foochow, China, 1849-190610MICROFILM 4095.JMICROFILM 4095.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Macao, China, 1849-19062MICROFILM 4097.JMICROFILM 4097.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Ningpo, China, 1853-18967MICROFILM 4166.JMICROFILM 4166.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Swatow, China, 1860-18814MICROFILM 4168.JMICROFILM 4168.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Hankow, China, 1861-19068MICROFILM 4163.JMICROFILM 4163.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Chefoo, China, 1863-19069MICROFILM 4158.JMICROFILM 4158.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Chinkiang, China, 1864-19067MICROFILM 4162.JMICROFILM 4162.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Newchwang, Manchuria, China, 1865-19067MICROFILM 4165.JMICROFILM 4165.J GUIDE
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Tientsin, China, 1868-19068MICROFILM 4133.JMICROFILM 4133.J GUIDE
Despatches from US Consuls in Nanking, China, 1902-19061MICROFILM 4201.JMICROFILM 4201.J GUIDE
Despatches from US Consuls in Hangchow, China, 1904-19061MICROFILM 4200.JMICROFILM 4200.J GUIDE
Despatches from US Consuls in Mukden, Manchuria, China, 1904-19061MICROFILM 33214MICROFILM 33214 GUIDE
Despatches from US Consuls in Antung, Manchuria, China, 1904-19061MICROFILM 33215MICROFILM 33215 GUIDE
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of China, 1910-1929 (M329)227MICROFILM 77719CD3022 .A2x no.M329 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between China and Other States, 1910-29 (M341)34MICROFILM 4251 JMICROFILM 4251 J GUIDE
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the United States and China, 1910-19292MICROFILM 4207 JMICROFILM 4207 J GUIDE


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of India and Burma, 1910-1929227MICROFILM 19582CD3022 .A2x no.M329 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between India and Burma and Other States, 1910-29 (M344)1MICROFILM 4302 J
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the U.S. and India and Burma, 1910-29 (M343)1MICROFILM 4309 J


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Batavia, Java, Netherlands East Indies, 1818-1906MICROFILM 31805MICROFILM 31805 GUIDE


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Notes from the Japanese Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1858-1906 (M163)9MICROFILM.4144.JCD3022 .A2x no.M163 Doe Reference
Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Japan, 1855-190682Online and MICROFILM.4057.JMICROFILM.4057.J Guide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Kanagawa, Japan, 1861-189722Online and MICROFILM.4160.JMICROFILM 4160 J guide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Nagasaki, Japan, 1860-19067Online and MICROFILM.4142.JMICROFILM 4142 J guide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Yokohama, Japan, 1897-19065Online and MICROFILM.4143.JMICROFILM 4143 J guide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Japan, 1910-1929 (M422)CD3022 .A2x no.M422 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State relating to political relations between Japan and other states, 1910-29 (M424)CD3022 .A2x no.M424 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State Relating to Political Relations between the U.S. and Japan, 1910-29 (M423)9MICROFILM 4237 JMICROFILM 4237 J Guide


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Korea, 1883-190522Online and MICROFILM 4058.JMICROFILM 4058.J Guide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Seoul, Korea, 1886-19062Online and MICROFILM 4099.JMICROFILM 4099.J Guide
Notes from the Korean Legation in the United States to the Department of State, 1883-19061Online and MICROFILM 4117.J
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Korea (Chosen), 1910-1929CD3022 .A2x no.M426 Doe Reference


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs of Pakistan, 1945-19496MICROFILM 79041


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Manila, Philippine Islands, 1817-18996MICROFILM 31195MICROFILM 31195 GUIDE


TitleReelsCall NumberGuide
Despatches from U.S. Ministers to Siam, 1882-1906 (M172)9Online and MICROFILM.4059.JCD3022 .A2x  no.M172
Records of the Department of State relating to Political Relations between the United States and Siam, 1910-1929 (M730) and between Siam and other states, 1910-1929 (M731)CD3022 .A2x no. M730-M731 Doe Reference
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs Thailand, 1945-1954: State Department central files: (1945-1949) 892 ; (1950-1954) 792, 892, and 992.31MICROFILM 79523
Records of the Department of State relating to internal affairs Thailand, 1955-1963 : internal affairs State Department central files: 792, 892, and 992.22MICROFILM 79524

British Diplomatic Records

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