China and Asia: A Journal in Historical Studies
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主编: Xiaorong Han and Liam Kelley
China and Asia A Journal in Historical Studies (CAHS) is a peer-reviewed English-language forum for historical research on relations between China and other regions of Asia during both the pre-modern and modern periods. Its purpose is to promote communication and exchange among the global Asian studies community, especially among scholars based in Asian countries.CAHS publishes manuscripts focusing on the political, economic, social and cultural interactions between China and other parts of Asia, as well as studies covering a broader geographic area with Asia as a central part. The journal welcomes contributions representing diverse perspectives, and will give special attention to submissions from emerging scholars and scholars based in underrepresented regions. Occasionally,CAHS will publish special issues on selected topics. Colleagues who are interested in organizing and editing special issues should contact the editors directly.
China and Asia also publishes reviews of books relevant to the themes of the journal. Colleagues and scholars who want to recommend books for review or write reviews for the journal should contact our book review editors.
第1卷,第1期 (Feb 2019)
Editor’s Note
页码: 1–2
Toward a Global Network Revolution: Zheng He’s Maritime Voyages and Tribute-Trade Relations between China and the Indian Ocean World
作者: Zhongping Chen
页码: 3–49
An Open Knowledge System for Navigational Science: Zheng He’s Maritime Expeditions and Sino-Foreign Overseas Exchange
作者: Liu Yingsheng
页码: 50–91
Zheng He’s Seven Voyages into the Namoli Ocean–the Indian Ocean
作者: Wan Ming
页码: 92–125
India, China, and the World, a Connected History, written by Tansen Sen
作者: Xinru Liu
页码: 127–129
Making Borders in Modern East Asia: The Tumen River Demarcation, 1881–1919, written by Nianshen Song
作者: Qingfei Yin PhD
页码: 130–131
To the Diamond Mountains: A Hundred-Year Journey through China and Korea, written by Tessa Morris-Suzuki
作者: Nianshen Song
页码: 132–134
第1卷,第2期 (Dec 2019)
Editor’s Note
页码: 135–136
The Historical Reception of the Yijing in the Tangut State
作者: Ng Wai-Ming
页码: 137–157
Zheng He’s Military Interventions in South Asia, 1405–1433
作者: Tansen Sen
页码: 158–191
Weapons Used Aboard Ming Chinese Ships and Some Thoughts on the Armament of Zheng He’s Fleet
作者: Elke Papelitzky
页码: 192–224
The Studies of Chinese Diasporas in Colonial Southeast Asia: Theories, Concepts, and Histories
作者: Anh Sy Huy Le
页码: 225–263
Three Streams: Confucian Reflections on Learning and the Moral Heart-Mind in China, Korea, and Japan, written byPhilip J. Ivanhoe (2016)
作者: Ya Zuo
页码: 265–270
Life in Treaty Port China and Japan, edited by Donna Brunero and Stephanie Villalta Puig (2018)
作者: Tom Marling
页码: 271–273
Towards a New Universality: Mizoguchi Yūzō and Postwar Japanese Intellectual History Sixiangshi zhong de riben yu zhongguo [Japan and China in the Midst of Intellectual History], written by Sun Ge (2017)
作者: Viren Murthy
页码: 274–281
页码: 283–284
Xiaorong Han, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Liam Kelley, Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
Associate Editors
Brian Tsui, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Wicky Tse, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Editorial Board Members:
Chen Zhongping, University of Victoria, Canada
B. R. Deepak, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
Hoang Anh Tuan, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University – Hanoi, Vietnam
Hon Tze-ki, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Huang Jianli, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kim Donggil, Peking University, China
Lee Chiu Chun, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, Hong Kong
Li Yiping, Xiamen University, China
Matsumoto Masumi, Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan
Ng Wai-ming, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tansen Sen, New York University-Shanghai, China
Wei Chuxiong, University of Macau, Macau
Book Review Editors:
Fan Xin, State University of New York at Fredonia, NY, USA
Pan Lu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Advisory Board Members:
Chu Hung-lam, Chairman, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Bruce Cumings, University of Chicago, Illinois, USA
Benjamin Elman, Princeton University, New Jersey, USA
Hamashita Takeshi, Sun Yat-sen University, China
Liu Xinru, The College of New Jersey; Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China
Niu Dayong, Peking University, China
Morris Rossabi, The City University of New York/Columbia University, NY, USA
Madhavi Thampi, Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, India
Online submission: Articles for publication in China and Asia can be submitted online through Editorial Manager. To submit an article, click here.
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