
新书:宋怡明、赵世瑜 The Chinese Empire in Local Society

The Chinese Empire in Local Society:
Ming Military Institutions and Their Legacies

编者:宋怡明(Michael Szonyi)、赵世瑜







This book explores the Ming dynasty (1368-1644) military, its impact on local society, and its many legacies for Chinese society. It is based on extensive original research by scholars using the methodology of historical anthropology, an approach that has transformed the study of Chinese history by approaching the subject from the bottom up.

Its nine chapters, each based on a different region of China, examine the nature of Ming military institutions and their interaction with local social life over time. Several chapters consider the distinctive role of imperial institutions in frontier areas and how they interacted with and affected non-Han ethnic groups and ethnic identity. Others discuss the long-term legacy of Ming military institutions, especially across the dynastic divide from Ming to Qing (1644-1912) and the implications of this for understanding more fully the nature of the Qing rule.


宋怡明(Michael Szonyi),哈佛大学东亚语言文明系中国历史学教授,费正清研究中心主任,明清及中国近代社会史学家。擅长利用历史人类学和田野调查方法研究中国东南亚地区的社会史。著有Practicing Kinship: Lineage and Descent in Late Imperial China(2002),Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line(2008),The Art of Being Governed:Everyday Politics in Late Imperial China(2018);编有The China Question: Critical Insights into a Rising Power(2018),A Companion to Chinese History(2017).

赵世瑜,北京大学历史学系教授,博士生导师。全国地方志指导小组成员,北京市文联兼职副主席,北京民间文艺家协会主席。主要研究方向为历史人类学,先后主持完成国家社会科学基金项目和教育部人文社科项目等多项。出版《在空间中理解时间一从区域社会史到历史人类学》《小历史与大历史:区域社会史的理念、方法与实践》《大河上下一10世纪以来的北方城乡与民众生活》《长城内外社会史视野下的制度、族群与区域开发》《狂欢与日常:明清时期的庙会与民间文化》 《眼光向下的革命一中国现代民俗学思想的早期发展,1918-1937》《天地生民:中国古代对人与自然关系的认识》《吏与中国传统社会》等专著、编著、译著等20多部,发表论文100多篇。(研究类)、第二届韩中青年学术奖等奖项。

Joel Wing-Lun (translator) is a doctoral student at Harvard University.


State Institutions, Local Society, and Historical Continuity: Ming Military Institutions from the Perspective of Historical Anthropology

Michael Szonyi and Zhao Shiyu

The Social Impact of Changing Patterns of Military Recruitment and Logistics in Yongzhou, Hunan

Wu Tao

Military Colonies and Localization in Yongchun, Fujian

Ma Wenrui and Zheng Zhenman

The Evolution of Temples in Jinxiang Guard and the Localization of State Institutions

Zhang Kan

State and Local Society in the Reform of the Garrison System in the Qing Dynasty: A Case Study of Yuzhou Guard

Deng Qingping

Where are the Western Aborigines?: Ningfan Guard and the Transformation of Local Society in Southwestern Sichuan in Ming and Qing

Long Sheng

The Green Shoots Crop Protection Associations of Taozhou, Gansu: Ming Identities/Qing Histories

Que Yue

The “Civilianization” of Military Colonies and the Reorganization of Military Households: Ningxi Battalion and the Reconstruction of Rural Order in South China in the Eighteenth Century

Xie Shi

Military Lineages and the Qing Tribute Grain System: The “Xie/Chen/Liao Barge” of Ganzhou Guard, Jiangxi

Rao Weixin

The Tribute Grain System, Military Colony Lands, and Transport Soldier Lineages in Ming and Qing: The Case of Huangzhou and Qizhou Garrisons of Eastern Hubei

Xu Bin


I. Ming and Qing reign periods

II Ming weights and measures

III Glossary and character list


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