黎志刚(Chi-Kong Lai),原籍中国香港,岭南大学本科(1980年),香港新亚研究所第二十六届硕士(1982年),硕士学位论文为《郭嵩燾對晚清經濟問題的探討》,随后赴美求学,获得美国加州大学戴维斯分校博士(1992年),博士论文为China’s First Modern Corporation and the State: Officials, Merchantsand Resource Allocation in the China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company,1872-1902,并以此获得美国经济史学会(EHA)1993年度的亚历山大·格申克龙奖(Alexander Gerschenkron Prize)。先后师从全汉昇、刘广京(Kwang-chingLiu)教授等著名学者。
现任澳大利亚昆士兰大学历史、哲学、宗教及古典史学院(Schoolof HPRC)教授,并兼任中国社科院近代史研究所社会史研究中心学术委员、上海社科院特聘研究员、清华大学华商研究中心学术委员、香港中文大学访问教授、山东大学访问教授以及复旦大学上海史国际研究中心和孙中山博物馆顾问。“全汉昇讲座”(2012)发起人之一。近年来,还多次主持《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》等刊物的“日常生活史研究”栏目。
Lai, Chi-Kong ed. (2012). 刘广京论招商局. Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). 黎志刚论招商局. Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
The state and market in modern China
Lai, C. (2003). The state and market in modern China. 1 ed. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Educational.
The reminiscences of Charles Cheng-che Lee
Lai, C. (2000). The reminiscences of Charles Cheng-che Lee. Taiwan, China: Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica.
Everyday life studies
Lai, Chi Kong (2021). Everyday life studies. Journal of Hebei Normal University: Philosophy and Social Sciences, 44 (1), 56-56.
Introduction: everyday life in the study of early 20th century Chinese society
Lai, Chi Kong (2020). Introduction: everyday life in the study of early 20th century Chinese society. Frontiers of History in China, 15 (3), 329-338. doi: 10.3868/s020-009-020-0015-5
Studies on everyday life
Lai, Chi Kong and Chang, Jianhua (2020). Studies on everyday life. Journal of Hebei Normal University: Philosophy and Social Sciences, 43 (4), 34-66.
An Overview on the International Conference of Chinese Entrepreneurs and the Social, Economic and Political Changes in China and the World
Lai, Chi Kong and Wang, Chen-chen (2020). An Overview on the International Conference of Chinese Entrepreneurs and the Social, Economic and Political Changes in China and the World. The International Journal of Diasporic Chinese Studies, 6 (1), 91-98.
Review of: 民国社会教育研究 [Research on social education during the Republican period]. 周慧梅 [Zhou, Huimei] 长沙, 中国: 湖南教育出版社 [Changsha, China: Hunan Education Publishing House], 2019. 659 pp. + Preface + Bibliography + Afterward, (hardcover), ¥215, ISBN: 978-7-553-96532-1
Lai, Chi Kong and Wan, Kent (2020). Review of: 民国社会教育研究 [Research on social education during the Republican period]. 周慧梅 [Zhou, Huimei] 长沙, 中国: 湖南教育出版社 [Changsha, China: Hunan Education Publishing House], 2019. 659 pp. + Preface + Bibliography + Afterward, (hardcover), ¥215, ISBN: 978-7-553-96532-1. Frontiers of Education in China, 15 (4), 680-683. doi: 10.1007/s11516-020-0032-6
Cai Zengji Memoirs; Glimpses of the History of Shipping, Economic, Political and Everyday Life in the Republican of China
Lai, Chi Kong (2017). Cai Zengji Memoirs; Glimpses of the History of Shipping, Economic, Political and Everyday Life in the Republican of China. National Maritime Research, 19 (2), 117-142.
The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company and its 145 Years History
Lai, Chi Kong (2017). The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company and its 145 Years History. National Maritime Research, 19, 1-2.
The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company and the Sino-foreign Maritime Disputes in Late Qing China
Lai, Chi Kong and Yan, Xuan (2017). The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company and the Sino-foreign Maritime Disputes in Late Qing China. National Maritime Research, 19 (2), 25-37.
Lu Zuofu, the Minsheng Company and the development of China’s Shipping Company
Lai, Chi Kong (2015). Lu Zuofu, the Minsheng Company and the development of China’s Shipping Company. National Maritime Research, 12 (3), 1-4.
Luo Zuofa, Minsheng Shipping company and the development of China’s maritime trade
Lai, Chi-Kong (2015). Luo Zuofa, Minsheng Shipping company and the development of China’s maritime trade. National Martime Research, 12, 1-4.
戰爭、日常生活和近代中國 -「戰爭對近代中國之影響」國際學術研討會會議報導
Lai, Chi-Kong, Yuan, Tzu-Hsien and Yang, Yanzhe (2014). 戰爭、日常生活和近代中國 -「戰爭對近代中國之影響」國際學術研討會會議報導. 田野與文獻 華南研究資料中心通訊, 75, 13-19.
黎志刚 Lai, Chikong (2013). 中国的“公司”源自何时. Guanli xuejia, 23, 51-55.
“战争对近代中国之影响” 国际学术研讨会略述
黎志刚, 袁子贤 and 杨彦哲 (2013). “战争对近代中国之影响” 国际学术研讨会略述. Kangri Zhanzheng Yanjiu, 90 (4), 153-154.
晚清商办与官督之变: 轮船招商局的早期经营管理
黎志刚 Lai, Chikong (2013). 晚清商办与官督之变: 轮船招商局的早期经营管理. Guanli xuejia, 19, 51-59.
地方文獻與華僑史研究: 從地方史料看五邑地區的“僑鄉”文化 Historical documents and Wuyi Qiaoxiang culture
黎志剛 Lai, Chi Kong and 袁子賢 Yuan, Tzu-Hsien (Chris) (2013). 地方文獻與華僑史研究: 從地方史料看五邑地區的“僑鄉”文化 Historical documents and Wuyi Qiaoxiang culture. Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies, 6, 155-165.
Xiangshan county and the 1911 Revolution
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Xiangshan county and the 1911 Revolution. New Asia Review, 13, 162-167.
The Qing government and private enterprises: The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company
Lai, Chi Kong (2010). The Qing government and private enterprises: The China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company. 近代中國 [Jindai Zhongguo] (Modern China), 20, 223-237.
Kite, long hair and natural beauty
Lai, C. (2005). Kite, long hair and natural beauty. View, 40 (Feb), 34-35.
International long-hair eye-catcher Dai Yueqin
Lai, C. (2004). International long-hair eye-catcher Dai Yueqin. Dashiye, 36 (Oct), 36-39.
Review of Graham E. Johnson and Glen D. Peterson: Historical dictionary of Guangzhou (Canton) and Guangdongplain
Lai, C. (2003). Review of Graham E. Johnson and Glen D. Peterson: Historical dictionary of Guangzhou (Canton) and Guangdongplain. The China Journal, 49, 220-221.
Review of Tim Brook and Gregory Blue: China and historical capitalism: Genealogies of sinological knowledge
Lai, C. (2003). Review of Tim Brook and Gregory Blue: China and historical capitalism: Genealogies of sinological knowledge. The China Journal, 49 (49), 222-224.
Chinese capitalism, 1522-1840
Lai, CK (2002). Chinese capitalism, 1522-1840. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 48 (3), 440-442.
Labour relations in Asia
Lai, CK and Schak, D (2001). Labour relations in Asia. Australian Journal of Politics And History, 47 (1), 1-3. doi: 10.1111/1467-8497.00215
Beyond lineage trust and partnership
Lai, C. (2000). Beyond lineage trust and partnership. Zhongwai Faxue, 12 (3), 372-377.
Kwang-Ching Liu: In appreciation
MacKinnon, Stephen R., Chow, Kai-wing and Lai, Chi-Kong (2000). Kwang-Ching Liu: In appreciation. 近代史研究, 2000 (6), 1275-1284.
Maritime perspectives on China and the World
Lai, Chi Kong (2020). Maritime perspectives on China and the World. The Ocean Waves. (pp. 111-113) edited by Chen, Chunsheng and Cheng, chen. Beijing, People’s Republic of China: Social Sciences Academic Press.
Hundred Year May Fourth: Chen Heqin’s Early Childhood Education
Lai, Chi Kong (2019). Hundred Year May Fourth: Chen Heqin’s Early Childhood Education. Enlightment, Memory and New Beginning: Hundred Year of the May-Fourth Movement. (pp. 571-584) edited by Kai Wing Chow and Chi Kong Lai. Hong Kong: Zhonghua 中華書局.
The financial activities of Xiangshan merchants in modern period
Lai, Chi Kong (2019). The financial activities of Xiangshan merchants in modern period. Quanqiuhua Yu Hangye Bianqian Shiyexia de Jinrong Fengxian Fangkong. (pp. 1-6) edited by The Chinese Financial History Centre, Fudan University. Shanghai, Peoples Republic of China: Fudan University Press.
Zhongshan Merchant and Business Organization: Business Networks and their Enterprise operation in Shang-hai
Lai, Chi Kong (2019). Zhongshan Merchant and Business Organization: Business Networks and their Enterprise operation in Shang-hai. Shang mai yu Shang dao; International Overseas Chinese Merchants. (pp. 251-265) edited by Deng-gao, Long, Hong Liu, Jian Zhang and Jun-ying Jia. Honzhou, China: Zhejiang University Press.
From Cai Zenji Memoirs as sources to see shipping, economic and political events during the Republican of China
Lai, Chi Kong and Yang, Yanzhe (2018). From Cai Zenji Memoirs as sources to see shipping, economic and political events during the Republican of China. The history of the China merchants: development and innovations. (pp. 121-139) edited by Wu, Zheng, Chan, Zhengping and Zhu, Yinqui. Beijing, People’s Republic of China: Social Sciences Academic Press.
Xiangshan Merchant and Modern China
Lai, Chi-Kong (2016). Xiangshan Merchant and Modern China. Chingxianqihou-Wang Yejian yuanshi jinian lunwenji. (pp. 429-444) edited by Chen Ciyu, He Hanwei, Chen Jiyao, Chen Junren and Chi-Kong Lai. Taipei, Taiwan: Wanjuanlou.
The Managerial Problems and Investment Strategy of the China Merchants’ Company
Lai, Chi Kong (2015). The Managerial Problems and Investment Strategy of the China Merchants’ Company. China Merchants and the Study of Chinese Enterprise History. (pp. 36-60) edited by Zhu Yingui. China: Social Sciences Academic Press (China).
Fashion development in modern China
Lai, Chi Kong (2013). Fashion development in modern China. 邦計貨殖:中國經濟的結構與變遷. 全漢昇先生百歲誕辰紀念論文集. (pp. 435-446) edited by 廖柏源. Taipei, Taiwan: 萬卷樓圖書.
Edith Liu’s introduction
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Edith Liu’s introduction. Liu Guangjing’s Exposition of China Merchants. (pp. 1-2) edited by Lai, Chi-Kong. China: Social Science Academic Press.
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Introduction. Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants. (pp. 6-8) edited by Chi-Kong Lai. Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
Rethinking of some issues of modern Chinese history: interview of K. C. Liu
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Rethinking of some issues of modern Chinese history: interview of K. C. Liu. Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants. (pp. 331-340) edited by Chi-Kong Lai. Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
Xiangshan revolutionaries and the 1911 revolution
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Xiangshan revolutionaries and the 1911 revolution. 1911 revolution: Dr. Sun Yat Sen and the revolutionaries. (pp. 101-114) edited by Sin-kiong Wong, Teng-Phee Tan and Xuan-hui Pan. Singapore, Singapore: Chinese Department, National Singapore University.
Zheng Guan Ying (Yi Yan)
Liu, K. C. and Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Zheng Guan Ying (Yi Yan). Liu Guangjing’s exposition of China merchants. (pp. 225-298) edited by Chi-Kong Lai. Beijing, China: Social Science Academic Press.
Chinese business history: Its development, present situation, and future direction
Lai, Chi Kong (2011). Chinese business history: Its development, present situation, and future direction. Business history around the world. (pp. 298-316) edited by Franco Amatori and Geoffrey Jones. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press. doi: 10.1017/CBO9780511512100.015
Qing Zhengfu yu Shangbanqiye: Xiangshan maiban he lunchuan Zhaoshangju (Qing state and merchant enterprises: Xiangshan Comprador and the China Merchants’ Company)
Lai, Chi Kong (2010). Qing Zhengfu yu Shangbanqiye: Xiangshan maiban he lunchuan Zhaoshangju (Qing state and merchant enterprises: Xiangshan Comprador and the China Merchants’ Company). Bei wudu di qunti: maiban yu jindai Zhongguo 被误读的群体:香山买办与近代中国 (The Misunderstanding Group: Xiangshan Comprador and Modern China). (pp. 90-102) edited by Wang Yuanming 王远明 and Hu Bo Lin 胡波. Canton: Guangdong People’s Press 广东人民出版社.
China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company
Lai, Chi-Kong (2009). China Merchants’ Steam Navigation Company. Encyclopaedia of modern China. (pp. 213-215) edited by David Pong. New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Lai, Chi-Kong (2009). Fashion. Encyclopaedia of modern China. (pp. 22-27) edited by David Pong. New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Lai, Chi-Kong (2009). Hairstyles. Encyclopaedia of modern China. (pp. 169-173) edited by David Pong. New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Li Hongzhang
Lai, Chi-Kong (2009). Li Hongzhang. Encyclopaedia of modern China. (pp. 460-463) edited by David Pong. New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
Lu Zuofu
Davin, Delia and Lai, Chi-Kong (2009). Lu Zuofu. Encyclopaedia of modern China. (pp. 534-536) edited by David Pong. New York, United States: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
黎志刚 Lai, Chi Kong (2007). 辛亥革命前后的辫发风潮. 近代中国社会与民间文化. Social and folk culture in modern China. (pp. 133-146) edited by 李長莉 Changli Li and 左玉河 Yuhe Zuo. Beijing, China: 社會科學文獻出版社 Social Sciences Academic Press.
Business Networks of Xiangshan Merchants in Modern Guangdong
Lai, C (2006). Business Networks of Xiangshan Merchants in Modern Guangdong. Xiangshan Culture. (pp. 109-124) edited by W Yuan-ming. Canton: Guangdong People’s Press.
Merchant discourse on self-interest in modern China
Lai, Chi-Kong (2006). Merchant discourse on self-interest in modern China. Creating Chinese modernity: Knowledge and everyday life, 1900-1940. (pp. 99-115) edited by Zarrow, Peter. New York , U.S.A: Peter Lang.
Migration and Home-town Construction in Zhongshan District
Lai, C (2006). Migration and Home-town Construction in Zhongshan District. Modern China: Economic and Social Studies. (pp. 253-263) edited by Z Yingui and D Angang. Shanghai: Fudan University Press.
Modern Chinese Economic and Business History: Past and Present
Lai, C. (2006). Modern Chinese Economic and Business History: Past and Present. China in Multi-Perspectives. (pp. 171-178) edited by W Winghua. Shanghai: Shulan Xuelin.
The importance of commerce in the organization of China’s late-imperial economy
Hamilton, Gary G., Wei-an, Chang and Lai, Chi-Kong (2006). The importance of commerce in the organization of China’s late-imperial economy. Commerce and Capitalism in Chinese Societies. (pp. 93-126) edited by G. G. Hamilton. New York: Routledge.
Li Hungshang and modern enterprises: The China Merchants Company
Lai, C. (2005). Li Hungshang and modern enterprises: The China Merchants Company. 招商局与近代中国研究. (pp. 434-471) edited by Huili Yi and Zheng Hu. Beijing, China: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Properties disputes of Jinliyuan Wharf during the mid 80’s of the 19th Century
Lai, C. (2005). Properties disputes of Jinliyuan Wharf during the mid 80’s of the 19th Century. 招商局与近代中国研究. (pp. 618-624) edited by Huili Yi and Zheng Hu. Beijing, China: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The Queue During the 1911 Revolution
Lai, C. (2005). The Queue During the 1911 Revolution. Sun Zhongshan, 1911 Revolution and Modern China. (pp. 304-319) edited by L. Qi Yan, L. Jinqiang and B. Shanlin. Hong Kong: Modern Chinese History Association of Hong Kong.
The management and operation problems in the China Merchants Company
Lai, C. (2005). The management and operation problems in the China Merchants Company. 招商局与近代中国研究. (pp. 259-321) edited by Huili Yi and Zheng Hu. Beijing, China: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
The nationalization issues in the China Merchants Company
Lai, C. (2005). The nationalization issues in the China Merchants Company. 招商局与近代中国研究. (pp. 322-360) edited by Huili Yi and Zheng Hu. Beijing, China: The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Zhongshan merchants business activities in China and the world
Lai, C. (2005). Zhongshan merchants business activities in China and the world. Modern China and the World: Proceedings of the second symposium on modern China and the world. (pp. 569-583) edited by Institute of Modern History Academy of Social Sciences. Beijing, China: Social Sciences Academic Press.
From Seagoing Junk to Modern Enterprise: The Transition of Steamship Business, 1826-1873
Lai, C. (2004). From Seagoing Junk to Modern Enterprise: The Transition of Steamship Business, 1826-1873. Maritime China in Transition 1750-1850. (pp. 299-316) edited by W Gungwa and N Chin-keong. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag.
The Transition of Steamship Business, 1826-1973
Lai, Chi Kong (2004). The Transition of Steamship Business, 1826-1973. Maritime China in Transition, 1750-1850. (pp. 299-314) edited by Wang Gungwu and Ng Chin-keong. Weisbaden Germany: Harrassowitz.
Chinese business history: Its development, present situation and future direction
Lai, Chi-Kong (2003). Chinese business history: Its development, present situation and future direction. Business history around the world. (pp. 298-316) edited by Franco Amatori and Geoffrey Jones. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Sheng Hsuan-huai and operational problems of the crime merchants company
Lai, C. (2002). Sheng Hsuan-huai and operational problems of the crime merchants company. Twenty Century Studies on Sheng Hsuan Juai. (pp. 217-278) edited by Ip and Yei Li. Jiangsu: Jiangsu People’s Press.
Between practical Statesmanship and democratic thought: Kuo Sung-tao and his reform ideas
Lai, C. (2001). Between practical Statesmanship and democratic thought: Kuo Sung-tao and his reform ideas. Tradition and Transformation of Chinese Economy. (pp. 431-469) edited by Y. C. Yien. Taipei: Tu-Xiang.
Chung-shan merchants’ business networks
Lai, C. (1999). Chung-shan merchants’ business networks. Essays in Chinese maritime history. (pp. 233-255) edited by Shi-Yeoung Tang. Taipei, China: Sun Yat-Sen Institute for Social Science and Philosophy.
Rethinking some issues in modern Chinese history
Lai, C. (1999). Rethinking some issues in modern Chinese history. Modern China (Jindai Zhongguo). (pp. 60-71) edited by Ding Lichu. Shanghai: Lihsin Accounting Publishing House.
The business networks of Hsiang-Shan merchant groups in modern China
Lai, C. (1999). The business networks of Hsiang-Shan merchant groups in modern China. China: modern urban development and social economy. (pp. 345-361) edited by Zhang Zhongli. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press.
Enterprise history: Studies and archives
Lai, Chi-Kong (1998). Enterprise history: Studies and archives. Chinese Business History: Interpretive Trends and Priorities for the Future. (pp. 169-188) edited by Robert Gardella, Andrea McElderry and Jane K. Leonard. New York, NY, United States: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781315502175-11
From Different Dreams in the Same bed to the Anti-Japanese Alliance: The role of Foreign Officials, Overseas Chinese, PLW in the Sino-Australian Relationship
Lai, Chi-Kong (2016). From Different Dreams in the Same bed to the Anti-Japanese Alliance: The role of Foreign Officials, Overseas Chinese, PLW in the Sino-Australian Relationship. International Academic Forum on Rethinking and Reexamination: China in the World War II and the National Independence Movement in Asia, Beijing, China, 16-19 December 2016. Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.
Merchants, The State and Commercial Development
Lai, Chi-Kong (2016). Merchants, The State and Commercial Development. International Conference on City, Culture and the State, Shanghai, 18-19 August 2016. Shanghai:
Migration, network and trade: the historical perspective on the business organization and networks of Zhongshan and Daishengkui merchants
Lai, Chi-Kong (2016). Migration, network and trade: the historical perspective on the business organization and networks of Zhongshan and Daishengkui merchants. International Symposium on International Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies, Jiangmen, China, 9-13 December 2016. Jiangmen, China:
Material Culture and Everyday Life Studies
Lai, Chi Kong (2014). Material Culture and Everyday Life Studies. 2nd Young Scholars’ Conference on China Studies, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, 15-16 December 2014. Hong Kong: Hong Kong Baptist University.
Theories and methods of trans-migration and everyday life: a case study of Zhongshan overseas Chinese
Lai, Chi-Kong (2014). Theories and methods of trans-migration and everyday life: a case study of Zhongshan overseas Chinese. 3rd International Symposium on International Migration and Qiaoxiang Studies 2014, Jiangmen, China, 11-14 December 2014. Jiangmen, China: Guangdong Qiaoxiang Cultural Research Center, Wuyi University.
黎志刚 Lai, Chi Kong (2014). 物品、物质文化和日常生活史研究. Material and Textual Studies in a Cross-Cultural Context: Chinese History and Beyond, Canton, Guangdong, China, 5-7 December, 2014. Canton, Guangdong, China: Centre for History of Guangzhou (Canton) Port Studies, Sun-yat-sen University.
Between practical statesmanship and liberal thought: Kuo Sung-Tao’s reform ideas
Lai, Chi-Kong (2012). Between practical statesmanship and liberal thought: Kuo Sung-Tao’s reform ideas. 笫六屆江南社会史国际学术论坛。, Wuxi, China, 14-17 December 2012. Wuxi, China: Shanghai Normal University, Social History Institute.
H. B. Morse Letters and the 1880’s management Problems of wharfs in Shanghai
Lai, Chi Kong (2012). H. B. Morse Letters and the 1880’s management Problems of wharfs in Shanghai. International Conference of Western Literature on Chinese Cities, Shanghai, China, 21-22 July 2012. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
Some methodological issues on writing contemporary Shanghai business history
Lai, Chi Kong (2012). Some methodological issues on writing contemporary Shanghai business history. 1949 年以来典型的上海”国际研讨会, Shanghai, China, 18-19 December 2012. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
物质文化与近代中国生活史研究 (Wuzhi wenhua yu jindai Zhongguo shenghuoshi yanjiu – Material culture methodology in Chinese studies)
Lai, Chi Kong (2010). 物质文化与近代中国生活史研究 (Wuzhi wenhua yu jindai Zhongguo shenghuoshi yanjiu – Material culture methodology in Chinese studies). The Fourth World Forum on Chinese Studies, Shangai, China, 6-7 November 2010. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
Qing Zhengfu yu shangban qiye: Xiangshan maiban he Lunchuan Zhaoshangju (Qing State and Merchant Enterprise: Xiangshan Comprador and the China Merchants’ Company)
Lai, Chi Kong (2009). Qing Zhengfu yu shangban qiye: Xiangshan maiban he Lunchuan Zhaoshangju (Qing State and Merchant Enterprise: Xiangshan Comprador and the China Merchants’ Company). International Conference on Xiangshan Comprador and Modern China, Zhongshan City, China, November 2009.
Lu Zuofu, Minsheng Company and Economic Development of Chongqing in the Wartime from 1937 to 1945
Lai, Chi Kong (2008). Lu Zuofu, Minsheng Company and Economic Development of Chongqing in the Wartime from 1937 to 1945. The 3rd World Forum on Chinese Studies, Shanghai, China, 8-9 September 2008. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
中国清朝指令性计划经济制度下的招商经验. The legacy of recruiting investors in the command economy in Ching China
Lai, Chi-Kong 黎志刚 (2008). 中国清朝指令性计划经济制度下的招商经验. The legacy of recruiting investors in the command economy in Ching China. 第二届世界中国学论坛. The Second World Forum on Chinese Studies, Shanghai, China, 21-22 September 2006. Shanghai, China: 学林出版社 Academic Press.
Modern Chinese economic and business history: Past and present
Lai, Chi Kong (2006). Modern Chinese economic and business history: Past and present. World Forum on China Studies 2004, Shanghai, 20-21 August 2004. Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences.
Legal disputes involving the China Merchants Steams Navigation Company
Lai, C. (2005). Legal disputes involving the China Merchants Steams Navigation Company. Symposium on Power and Culture in Ming-Qing Legal Systems, xx, 13-15 October 2005. Taipei, Taiwan: Academia Sinica, Institute of History and Philology.
From regional division of labour to global networks: Economic activities of Chungshan merchant groups
Lai, C. (2004). From regional division of labour to global networks: Economic activities of Chungshan merchant groups. International Symposium of Financial Change and Entrepreneurial Culture in Modern China, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China, 15-17 December 2004. Taipei, Taiwan: Institute of History, Academia Sinica.
Risk taking and profit making: the Jen-chi-ho Insurance Company
Lai, Chi-Kong (1999). Risk taking and profit making: the Jen-chi-ho Insurance Company. 1999 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, Boston, MA, USA, 11-14 March 1999. Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA: Association for Asian Studies.
Edited Outputs
二十世纪抗日战争时期的日常生活: Everyday Life during the Sino-Japanese War in 20th century – Journal of Hebei Normal University: Philosophy and Social Sciences. (2020). 43 (204)
National Maritime Museum – Special Issue of the China Merchants Company. (2017). 19
Special Issue of Lu Zuofu. (2015). 12
黎志刚 Lai, Chi-Kong (2014, 09 05). 利用档案证据敦促日本对历史问题进行反省 光明日报 7-7.

Business Strategies to Overcome Crises after Relocation by Fujian and Zhejiang Capitalists at War: Cases from Yu Mingyu, Liu Hongsheng, and Tan Kah Kee (1937-1949)
Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
A Political Biography of Sumitro Djojohadikusumo: Power and Influence in the Political Development of Modern Indonesia
Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Dr Annie Pohlman Emeritus Professor Robert Elson
Dwelling in Shenzhen: Development of Living Environment from 1979 to 2018
(2020) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Everyday Life of the Celestials in the Land of the Parrots: Chinese Almanacs in Australia
(2020) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Patrick Jory
Imperialism and the evolution of central-provincial relations in late Qing China: Zhang Zhidong in Jiangsu and Hubei
(2020) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell Associate Professor Patrick Jory
Transforming Rural China: Legacies of the CCP and the Rural Reconstructionists, 1920-1937
(2019) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Patrick Jory
The Rise of Hong Kong Identity and Political Mobilisations vis-a-vis China, 1949-1997
(2018) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Urban Development and Everyday life of Ordinary Labours in Wartime Chongqing
(2017) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell Associate Professor Patrick Jory
The Missionaries and the Guomindang: An exploration of the Seventh-day Adventist Experience in Republican China
(2015) Master Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Patrick Jory
Women’s Life in Modern Wuxi, 1927-1937
(2014) Master Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Australian Chinese Legislative Recruitment, Political Incorporation and Representation in the Global Moment (1973-2012)
(2013) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell
Enshrined Memory: Landscape, History, and Identity, among the Uyghur Muslims of China’s Tarim Basin
(2013) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Christian Identity and Business Success: Lin Zifeng (1892-1971) and his Public Career in Hong Kong
(2012) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Andrew Bonnell Associate Professor Patrick Jory
(2011) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Emeritus Professor Martin Stuart-Fox
(2005) Doctor Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Emeritus Professor Martin Stuart-Fox
(2005) Master Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Emeritus Professor Clive Moore
(2005) Master Philosophy — Principal Advisor
Other advisors:Emeritus Professor Martin Stuart-Fox
Collaboration of Britain, Australia and New Zealand in the Second Indochina War, with particular focus on Laos, 1952-1975
(2016) Master Philosophy — Associate Advisor
Other advisors:Associate Professor Patrick Jory
The New York Times Representations of China and its Relations with the Superpowers 1949-1969.
(2013) Master Philosophy — Associate Advisor
(2003) Doctor Philosophy — Associate Advisor
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